Business Coach Training: 10 Keys to Game-Changing Performance
Game-changing performance, it’s a theme that business coaches should find very familiar. In fact, it’s the driving force behind why the majority of clients turn to a business coach for support. It is easy to talk about “game-changing performance;” however, it is another thing entirely to actually live it out day-to-day. As coaches, we deserve to develop in our own lives the life-systems that support high performance. To help you get your high performance in gear we’ve invited leading performance expert Coach John Brubaker (Coach Bru), one of Forbes Magazine’s “Top 10 Consultants Who Avoid The B.S” to share some of his secrets with you.
Here are Coach Bru’s “Ten (10) Keys to Game Changing Performance” that you deserve to develop for yourself first and then pass along to your clients.
Put your goals in writing: Reflect on your goals both personal and professional. Write down the game plan. A goal is just a dream if you don’t put it in writing. Be sure to make goals SMART (Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic & Time Bound)
Exercise your body. DAILY: Every day I hear people say, “I don’t have time to work out.” My experience has been that the time spent working out is an investment in my productivity later that day. I increase my energy reserves, my focus, my mood, and create positive momentum in all I do by INVESTING the time in exercising.
RE-Connect: Re-connect with someone you fell out of touch with over time, either by phone, handwritten note, or email, or go knock on their door. Could be a former co-worker, boss, client, or maybe a friend or family member. It will keep your relationships healthy and positive and will help re-expand your network.
Exercise your mind. DAILY: Whether it is personal, professional, or spiritual development, you need to invest in yourself by reading daily. Name the last book you read. Now answer how long ago that was. If your answer is anything greater than hours, consume some vitamins for your mind by developing a daily reading habit, even if it is only half a chapter. Putting positive messages in your mind will improve your point of view.
Lifelong learning: Commit to developing a new skill, whether it is professional in nature (MBA courses), personal (skydiving), or both (golf or social media training). If you are standing still you’re moving backward. Doing this is both the ultimate comfort zone stretcher and resume builder. Think you don’t have enough time? The internet allows you to study virtually anything at virtually any hour from your home. Don’t believe me? Choose the most far out concept you can and Google it.
Apply a coat of finish: Finish something; you can’t underestimate the psychological impact of tying up loose ends. Complete a project you have been procrastinating on or postponing. It is a mental health triple play: satisfying, liberating, and energizing.
Have a plan, work your plan, have a backup plan: Map out a game plan to better prepare for this week, this month, this quarter. A group calendar, checklists, and quantifiable progress charts displayed in a highly visible location will help your team move the ball closer to the end zone, so to speak.
Give back: While exercise is good for fueling your body, giving back to the community and believing in a greater good nourishes your soul. What fuels your life’s passion outside the office? Find meaningful community service. Serve on the board of a non-profit you are passionate about or help to correct a social injustice. This will add a dimension of meaning to your life that may have been previously absent.
Practice daily gratitude: We often get so caught up in the pressures and responsibilities of daily life that we forget one of the most simple and important acts we can engage in as humans: Giving thanks. Whether it’s verbally or in writing, thank someone who has made an impact on your life, your family, your company, or your community on a daily basis.
We often get so caught up in the pressures and responsibilities of daily life that we forget one of the most simple and important acts we can engage in as humans: Giving thanks.
Recharge your batteries: We are more like our technology than we care to admit. Much like how our cell phones become sluggish when they have too many apps running, our personal batteries become drained from the multitude of tasks we perform. By taking the time to rest and relax you are adding bandwidth and improving your performance. Invest time daily in a tech-free zone. Everyone’s tech-free zone is different. Some of my colleagues enjoy practicing yoga, some prayer, and others prefer the lost art of the power nap. Whatever works best for you, go to that place in your mind and defragment your hard drive. It will pay dividends later.
For more game changing strategies to turn your potential into performance, see Coach Bru’s website. And for more rock star coaching tips like these, check out our free ebook, Secrets of a Business Coaching Rock Star.