Business Coaching Question: “What’s Your ‘Secret Formula’ for Long-Term, Steady Success?”
Over the years, I’ve been approached literally hundreds of times to answer one crucial business coaching question: “What’s your ‘secret formula’ for long-term, steady success as a business coach?”
My response is always deceptively simple:
The simple fact is that there’s no shortcut to success–no business coaching certificate, training, or tool that’s going to make you “automatic money”–yet I’ve watched dozens of business coaches struggle because they simply didn’t understand or wouldn’t apply this core principle to their daily lives.
That’s because most business coaches (heck, most people!) fall into one of three categories:
Burn-ups, burn-outs, and burn-ons.
Which one are YOU?
1. Burn-ups jump in with a ton of enthusiasm but NO plan–and as a result, soon run out of money or motivation.
What a tragedy!
When I joined my first business coaching franchise back in 2001, I made it a point to invest $2,000 per month in marketing — NO MATTER WHAT. That means I planned meticulously and made sure I had a sufficient war chest when I started. It took some time, but you know what? It worked.
Six months later I was billing over $10,000 per month. A few years after that I was billing over $85,000 per month and adding 5 clients to my firm each month.
By simply doing the RIGHT THINGS in SMALL AMOUNTS over a LONG PERIOD OF TIME, you can eliminate this problem.
2. Burn-outs run short on courage and persistence when things get tough.
I remember the thrill of landing my very first business coaching client on September 5th, 2001. Cash flow at last! Six days later, on September 11th, terrorists changed the world forever. The following week my first client quit my coaching program because his sales had dried up and he decided to close his business.
Here’s the reality, folks. Stuff happens. But you have to keep going. Are you constantly telling yourself that it needs to get better next week or next month or you’re going to quit and go back to what you know? If so, you may be a burn-out waiting to happen. You need to do the RIGHT THINGS in SMALL AMOUNTS over a LONG PERIOD OF TIME.
3. Burn-ons, on the other hand, know they’re in the game for the long-haul and understand that success is a journey.
They know there are treacherous obstacles to overcome on the road to long-term, reliable rewards as a business coach. Personal inexperience, poor positioning with clients, phone reluctance, bad budgeting, and lack of working capital can be scary obstacles, indeed.
But burn-ons plan well, work hard, and stay the course even when things go badly. They know that successful business coaching marketing campaigns don’t have an end date–that when you begin with a targeted list of suspects who meet your ideal client criteria, and continue with monthly contact over a period of years (yes, years!), you’ll win.
Are you wondering just what those “right things” are? Then do yourself a favor. Try a 30-day free trial of our complete business coaching system–the same one I developed over 10 years to grow my firm to over a million dollars in revenue. Then, step by step, day, by day, implement the strategies you discover inside. It’s not rocket science to be a successful business coach–just the patience and willingness to do the RIGHT THINGS in SMALL AMOUNTS over a LONG PERIOD OF TIME. Enjoy!