Business Coaching Questions: How to Stop Being Haunted by Negative Thoughts?
Subscriber RF writes: “Bob, I would love your advice on how you silence the derogatory voice in your head that says, ‘You’re not a good writer.’ Writing can never be a pleasure if one is haunted by negative thoughts.”
Now, I’m a writer, of course–but this is just as relevant for any entrepreneur. Including business coaches. Business coaching can never be a pleasure if one is haunted by negative thoughts, any more than writing can be.
Business coaching can never be a pleasure if one is haunted by negative thoughts.
What to Do When You’re Haunted by Negative Thoughts
Here’s how I handle it:
1–I post testimonials from satisfied clients and readers on my website, and when I doubt myself, I click on the links and look at a few.
2–I thank my subscribers who say they like my writing, always. (Do this whenever you get positive feedback on a piece of content, a presentation, or a coaching session.)
3–I take pleasure in writing copy that I think is particularly strong — and I’m even happier when the client likes it, runs it, and the copy performs well. The same can be said of helping a client implement a particularly insightful business strategy that impacts their business for the better.
4–After work, I often read books by writers in all genres whom I admire. Most are out of my league … but not SO far out of my league that I can’t learn from and emulate them.
5–If my deadline schedule permits, I turn to the project on my to-do list that is the most fun and the most engaging to me, and I work on it for several hours.
6–I realize that if I was really as bad as the voice in my head is telling me on any particular day, I would not have the repeat clients, income, or longevity in my field that I do.
7–I take comfort in these words from copywriter Lou Redmond: “We never write as well as we want to; we only write as well as we can.”
8–I also heed these words from Max Ehrmann: “There will always be those greater and lesser than you.”
9–I take a writing course or go to a lecture or reading by an author I like. The most recent one was going with my sister and daughter-in-law to hear Stephen King reading from his novel “Sleeping Beauties” in Brooklyn a few months ago. As a business coach, study your favorite business thought-leaders. Buy their books. Take their courses. Attend their events. It’ll help you hone your craft.
Business coaching requires confidence and skill. When you’re haunted by negative thoughts, it can reduce your ability to be successful. Want more insights on how to clean up your thought-life? Check out our FREE ebook, Secrets of a Business Coaching Rock Star.