Hit the Ground Running in Your Business Coaching Career
If you’re just starting your business coaching career, pay attention. One of the inescapable truths about business (and this goes for any business, not just coaching) is that there’s ONE MAJOR FACTOR separating those who are successful from those who aren’t:
Massive action.
Many people dream big…but they never actually put their money where their mouth is. As a result, they bounce from idea to idea, opportunity to opportunity, hoping they can make something work easily — but never stick with anything long enough to give it a real shot.
Many people dream big...but they never actually put their money where their mouth is. As a result, they bounce from idea to idea, opportunity to opportunity, hoping they can make something work easily -- but never stick with anything long enough to give it a real shot.
And then they wonder why they never succeed.
The lesson here for you?
If YOU want to be successful, now is the time.
Action Items
Fortunately for you, we’ve developed resources that will take you step-by-step through the process of becoming a business coach and launching your business coaching career. Here’s everything you need to do:
STEP 1. Download and read our FREE ebook, How to Become a Business Coach. Part guidebook, part launch checklist, this hugely practical resource gives you a big-picture overview of the coaching industry as well as the nuts and bolts of getting your business off the ground.
STEP 2. Check out our report, Do You Have What it Takes to Be a Successful Business Coach. Rooted in our own independent research, we can predict your success (or failure) as a business coach with about 95% certainty based on your psychometric profile. Lots of failed coaches wish they’d known this before they took the plunge.
STEP 3: Get our one-page roadmap on transitioning into business consulting or coaching. This is especially for executives who want to safely and confidently transition without breaking the bank or reinventing the wheel (though others could benefit from its wisdom, too!).
STEP 4: Request to join our Facebook group, Rockstar Coaching Program. Here’s where you’ll stay connected to some of the most successful business coaches on the planet — as well as network with new coaches just like you. You’ll be able to ask questions, join discussions, and stay up-to-date on all the most important strategies, success stories, and developments in the industry. I can’t emphasize enough how important being connected is — so join NOW.
STEP 5: Consider applying to our 52-week business coaching certification program. This is a live mentorship program where you’re coached weekly by me or one of my elite certified coaches’ coaches. It’s the only program where you can walk in as a noobie and walk out a multiple six-figure earner.
Now you have no excuse! It’s time to become one of the few who engage in massive action so that you can launch your practice and start your business coaching career!