How to Become a Business Coach: Turn Your Liabilities Into Assets
Like many new business coaches, the biggest challenge I faced was overcoming the head trash plaguing my daily thought life.
You know what I’m talking about: that little voice in the back of your mind that keeps whispering: you can’t do this…what are you thinking?…of course no one wants to do business with you…you NEVER should have taken this risk…and so on.
It’s debilitating.
After all, in the immortal words of Henry Ford: “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t…you are right.”
Success begins in one place: your own mind. Wanna know how to become a business coach? It’s all about winning this battle.
Ever see someone with sloppy, subpar results? It’s because they’ve got sloppy, subpar thoughts floating around in their mind.
Ever see someone with stellar, focused, organized results and wonder how they got there? It’s because they’ve trained themselves to think stellar, focused, organized thoughts first.
This isn’t another pitch for fluffy, feel-good “positive thinking.” Vague, happy thoughts don’t get you anywhere, either.
But you simply can’t get around the undeniable truth that SPECIFIC RESULTS require SPECIFIC THOUGHTS.
Ask anyone who has ever built something of real, lasting value. Do you think they just haphazardly threw something together and hoped for the best? Or did it take precise planning, specific action, and focused resolve?
Did Michelangelo wake up one morning and just kinda-sorta chisel a little bit here and there off a block of marble to create the David?
Did monkeys pounding on a typewriter produce the Complete Works of William Shakespeare? Then why do you think you can do the same thing in your business and be okay?
I’ll say it again: THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT secret to success is this…
It’s not what you do…it’s HOW you think.
So if you’re not getting the results you want, it’s because you’re not thinking the right kinds of thoughts.
The solution … FIRST, turn your liabilities into assets!
Just what do I mean by that?
I mean change the way you think! Recognize that what seems to you right now to be a big problem can actually be a BLESSING IN DISGUISE, if you view it correctly.
Below is a table I created to help eliminate negative self-talk and set myself up for success. Why don’t you do the same with your self-proclaimed liabilities? Go ahead! Do it now! Turn your attitude around and then enjoy the incredible results!

NEXT, go to people who have been there, done that–and done it well.
Talk to experts in your field (you’ve already made that step when you connected with The Coaches Coach — congratulations!).
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