How to Remove the Risk of Business Coaching for Your Clients
What a thrilling week! As the world is beginning to open up, business coaches are having gutsy, visionary conversations with business owners struggling to grow their businesses—by helping prospective clients understand that the risk of failing to act is considerably higher than the risk of business coaching!
You see, whether you’re a new or veteran coach, business owners need your help now more than ever!
In any recession, there are fewer dollars being chased by about the same number of businesses. Even though governments are printing money as fast as they can to increase the global money supply, the pie has shrunk! That’s why many will close their doors forever.
And that’s why this is a once-in-a-decade opportunity for you!
For the first time in 10+ years, many business owners have to get REALLY SERIOUS about marketing and sales. And so do you!
When YOU lead the way in aggressive sales and marketing activity, you will attract clients who need your leadership!
The Number One Skill You Need to Master Now
That’s why the #1 skill you need right now is doing Complimentary Coaching Sessions with your prospects so you can close them into coaching clients.
And I’ve developed a powerful tool called the “Profit Equation” to help your prospects put the risk of business coaching into context…by showing them how hiring you will pay off in spades.
In other words, it helps “find your fee” as a business coach and completely remove the risk of paying you for coaching!
Here’s what the Profit Equation looks like in worksheet form:
But does it work?
For example, one of our clients, Karl Diffenderfer, joined the Coaches’ Coach in March, just days after the Coronavirus crisis hit us in full force.
Over the last few weeks, in the middle of this crisis, Karl has landed three new clients, for a total of $3,500 in new recurring monthly coaching revenue!
Again, I know you may feel a bit awkward or uncomfortable talking with business owners about paying you for business coaching right now, given the struggle many of them are facing.
But, the business owner’s pain is your opportunity to serve. And you won’t be able to serve them if you don’t talk to them about business coaching!
I know you may feel a bit awkward or uncomfortable talking with business owners about paying you for business coaching right now, given the struggle many of them are facing. But the business owner’s pain is your opportunity to serve. And you won’t be able to serve them if you don’t talk to them about business coaching!
Thousands of business coaches in our global network are signing up business coaching clients right now using the Profit Equation tool because it’s remarkably effective, having been honed over the last 20+ years.
You can download a FREE copy of the Profit Equation on our Resources page.
Better yet, learn how to use it—and our entire 17-step process for closing more business coaching clients—in our FREE ebook, Secrets of a Business Coaching Rock Star.
Don’t let the current crisis derail you. NOW is an incredible time to help more businesses and grow your own!