Hunger Games: Small-Business Edition
The Hunger Games: Small-Business Edition is playing out before our eyes!
Unemployment recently hit about 14.7% and is heading toward 20% here in the U.S. Sadly, some forecasts predict that 10% of our small- to mid-sized businesses will be corona-casualties before all is said and done.
As the contraction continues and global unemployment rises, two mega-trends are happening simultaneously at scale:
Brilliant business executives are being furloughed or laid-off. Some of them are collecting severance or unemployment comp while pivoting into a business coaching career.
At the same time, business owners are fighting for their survival in a cruel re-enactment of the Hunger Games, where at least 10% of our SMBs won’t make it out alive. The smart ones are reaching out to business coaches for help. Every Katniss needs a Haymitch.
Almost the exact same thing happened in the Great Recession of 2008-2010.
In any recession, brilliant executives take their hard-won expertise to the streets in droves and plunge into the world of SMB leadership.
Please understand – if YOU are one of those furloughed/laid-off executives, this is a once-in-a-decade opportunity for you!
Poorly run businesses are getting killed by the thousands right now.
The corona-contraction is like a Hunger Games sequel. Small- to mid-sized businesses are catching fire and need first-responders.
In any recession, brilliant executives take their hard-won expertise to the streets in droves and plunge into the world of SMB leadership. Please understand – if YOU are one of those furloughed/laid-off executives, this is a once-in-a-decade opportunity for you!
Will you be one of them?
For the first time in 10+ years, many business owners have to get REALLY SERIOUS about marketing and sales.
And about managing their cash.
And about really listening to and serving their customers.
And about turning their lazy team members into top-performers or top-grading them right off their payroll.
It’s amazing how many sloppy businesses thrive until the fires of recession rage through the land!
Then, all bets are off. Only the fittest survive!
And that’s where you come in!
You can help many of these businesses live to see another day.
Turn your skills and experience as an executive into value and hope for business owners and entrepreneurs by becoming a business coach. You’re the hero the world needs now!
And we’ll show you exactly how, in our FREE ebook, How to Become a Business Coach. Download it today!