If You Become a Business Coach, Will You Succeed?
Did you know there’s a statistically validated way to predict your likelihood of success, should you decide to become a business coach?
That’s right. You can find out whether or not you‘ll be successful BEFORE you invest your hard-earned time, money, and energy and become a business coach with and launch a business coaching practice of your own.
How can we be so certain?
In 2005, as we were onboarding dozens of new business coaches into our international network of business coaching firms, we coordinated a rigorous study of the psychometric data of 55 business coaches who had proven themselves successful using the only metric that really counts: revenue banked from business coaching clients.
The results were staggering: in every instance, those who were truly successful — generating anywhere from $20,000 – $40,000 USD (or equivalent) per month in business coaching fees — ALL shared eight behavioral traits that we discovered had a profound statistical correlation to their business coaching success.
This FREE 15-page report reveals exactly how we conducted this ground-breaking study — including a detailed explanation of each of the eight behavioral traits…not to mention a surefire way to determine whether or not YOU possess them!
I personally used this research to build a championship team of business coaches in my coaching firm that I later sold for $1 Million USD — an incredible 800% cash-on-cash return.
If you’re considering become a business coach, YOU NEED THIS INFORMATION!
This 15-page report is FREE…but the information is PRICELESS if you want to be highly assured of success in the highly competitive and lucrative field of business coaching BEFORE you begin.
We know this report will help you on your journey. Get your FREE 15-page report HERE. Enjoy!