Jeff Walker’s “Yeah, But” Disease: How to Become a Business Coach
Perhaps the number one New-Business-Coach-Killers to watch out for if you’re learning how to become a business coach is what Jeff Walker calls the “Yeah, But” disease. After more than 10 years of in-the-trenches experience at business coach training, I’ve gotta agree with Jeff. This disease can be fatal!
Here at Coaches’ Coach we’ve been students of Jeff Walker for about 6 years or so and have launched quite a few products using his methods, which you can learn about HERE. Jeff is a NY Times Best-Selling author of the book Launch which is a great summary of what he’s learned on the journey to becoming a multi-millionaire through digital product launches. If you’re venturing into the world of e-marketing as part of your business coach marketing strategy, we recommend that you sign up for his blog HERE.
Again, Jeff’s video on the “Yeah, But” disease is particularly relevant for those just learning how to become a business coach. Enjoy!