Laid Off or Furloughed in the Pandemic? Become a Business Coach
Are you a business leader who has been laid off or furloughed due to COVID-19?
Maybe it’s time to consider becoming a business coach.
No, really!
In any recession, brilliant executives take their hard-won expertise to the streets in droves and plunge into the world of business coaching.
It only makes sense.
According to Entrepreneur.com, “Business coaching is a lucrative business that can tap into the massive market of entrepreneurs and business owners trying to find their way in the world of commerce. If you’re an expert in business or have a deep understanding of the market forces of what drive purchases, then becoming a business coach could mean financial freedom.”
If YOU are a laid-off or furloughed executive, then this is a once-in-a-decade opportunity for you!
Why Business Coaching Is Counter-Cyclical
Business coaching is a counter-cyclical industry: when things get tough, that’s when business owners need us most.
My experience working as a business coach through several recessions, including the Great Recession of 2008-09, is that business coaching inquiries and sales go up in difficult economic times.
My experience working as a business coach through several recessions, including the Great Recession of 2008-09, is that business coaching inquiries and sales go up in difficult economic times.
That’s because business owners realize they have to get REALLY SERIOUS about marketing and sales.
And about managing their cash.
And about really listening to and serving their customers.
And about turning their lazy team members into top-performers or top-grading them right off their payroll.
It’s amazing how many sloppy businesses thrive until the fires of recession rage through the land!
Then, all bets are off. Only the fittest survive!
And that’s where you come in.
You can help many of these businesses live to see another day.
You can take your business expertise and put it right back into your community or industry.
So if you’ve been laid off or furloughed and you’re not sure what your next move should be, might I suggest you consider business coaching?
I even have a comprehensive system that will shave years off your learning curve and give you ready-made sales and marketing systems you can plug and play.
Give it a FREE 30-day trial. You could be well on your way to a meaningful, lucrative next chapter in your career.