Leverage Good Economic News in Your Business Coaching Practice
In January, I shared encouraging analysis that the economy is on its way up. But this good economic news isn’t just exciting for our business coaching clients: it’s exciting for us as business coaches–because in an economic upturn, business owners are motivated to grow.
This means that the market is looking to buy what we’re selling right now. So get out there and make it happen!
Here are three tips to leveraging this good economic news in your business coaching practice…
1) Herald the good news. Heaven knows we all need to hear it after the last decade or so! On your blog, in blasts to your email database, and in your seminars and webinars focus on the emerging trickle of good economic news and blow the trumpet loudly! This helps people shift from conservation mode to growth mode, which makes potential business coaching clients more likely to buy from you now.
This good economic news isn't just exciting for our business coaching clients: it's exciting for us as business coaches--because in an economic upturn, business owners are motivated to grow.
2) Educate your database of clients and prospects on how to expand market share through smart investments in marketing and sales efforts. One good thing about the past decade of unimpressive economic conditions (at least for folks still in business) is that as competitors have gone under during the bad years, there’s now displaced market share to be had! Explain the opportunity to your clients and help them ramp up and multiply their reach now that cash flow is loosening up.
3) Set up a seminar or webinar per month for the next 3 months and theme it around growth! What’s the big idea or hot strategy that your business coaching clients and prospects should be pursuing, now that we’re in an expansionary economy? Create a campaign with the high-value educational blogs and email blasts over the next few weeks. For best result, create some videos teaching about what is happening in the economy to give them hope and confidence. Create some buzz around your topic and book people into your webinar and then follow up to land some new coaching gigs!
Want more help landing more business coaching clients now that the economy is improving? Check out our FREE ebook, How to Become a Business Coach.