Personal Development for Business Coaches: Get Enough Sleep
It’s the time of year when everyone is thinking about personal development. So could I give you my favorite tip for personal development for business coaches?
It’s deceptively simple, but incredibly important: get enough sleep.
Forget the average; you know how much sleep you need to get enough rest for peak performance the next day. For me, it is about 8 hours, give or take a half hour. Nine is too much, seven is adequate in a pinch, and with six or fewer I’m dragging the next day.
Now here’s the secret of this tip: always get the hours of sleep you need on every night when the next day is a full work day.
Sounds easy, but most people don’t do it.
Here’s how I ensure adequate sleep for maximum productivity, and some of these ideas may work for you too:
1–I believe in early to bed, early to rise.
When you get up early, by the time 9am rolls around, you’ve already done a pile of work. So the pressure is off.
On the other hand, if you delay doing the work until night, you may get distracted and never get to it at all.
Because I need about 8 hours, I go to bed around 10pm, and rise and start working at 6am.
2–Don’t go out weeknights.
With rare exception, I do not go out weeknights — no meetings, no bowling, no poker game, no activities outside the home of any kind.
When you go out, it is likely you will not go to bed until late, which will adversely affect energy and productivity for the next day.
3–Don’t eat too late.
A big meal too close to bedtime can cause you to sleep poorly and not feel well.
(Overeating in general makes you lethargic.)
4–Always make sure you get your full sleep.
On the rare occasion when circumstance forces me to go to bed later than my normal time, I also — unless my schedule absolutely makes it impossible — get up later.
I hate starting late. But working without enough sleep would cut into my productivity by reducing my energy and efficiency, so the net output would be even worse.
I hate starting late. But working without enough sleep would cut into my productivity by reducing my energy and efficiency, so the net output would be even worse.
5–Don’t forget to prepare tomorrow’s list of things to do tonight.
At the end of the day, I prepare to-do lists — and post them on my bulletin board before shutting down for the night.
If you don’t, you risk thinking, worrying, and ruminating about work and all you have to do.
I also place the file for the first task I will do tomorrow on a stand next to my desk.
This way, I can start working the instant I step into the office the next morning — and I like a quick start.
(By the way, I wasn’t always this way. I used to be a terrible insomniac — but I overcame it. To get more tips on getting a good night’s sleep, each and every night, click here now: www.overcominginsomnia.com)
Of course, getting a good’s night’s rest is only one of several important strategies for personal development for business coaches. For more great info on getting your head right, and your business organized effectively, check out our FREE ebook, Secrets of a Business Coaching Rock Star.