Relive the Expert Interview Series
In case you missed the Expert Interview Series — our week-long series of conversations with some of the business coaching industry’s most prolific thought leaders — we thought you’d be pleased to know that we’ve made most of it available on our YouTube channel!
All the experts we interviewed tackled one critical topic:
The Top Trends Impacting Business Coaches in 2012…and What You Should Do About It.
The result was one of the most well-received events we’ve ever put together, with grateful comments coming in from around the globe. Here are just handful of the thank-you emails we received…
“Eric, I appreciate the seminar series and will say the 4 sessions I attended were very valuable! Thank you!”
“Hi Eric, just wanted to say thank you very much for organizing these webinars. I found them extremely insightful and helpful in the quest for success in 2012!”
“Eric, as usual you have hit a home run with this series.”
“Dear Eric, What I loved most were your summaries, the way you kept focus! You really worked hard on getting the gist out…this way I could really arrive at some conclusions after a whole week of listening to you. Thank you once again!”
Want to listen or relive the action?
Click here to check out our YouTube page to watch the interviews with Paul Avins, Spike Humer, and Darren Shirlaw (unfortunately, we’ve had technical difficulties with Taki Moore’s and Ben Croft’s interviews…if we can get the glitches sorted, we’ll post them, too)! Be sure to subscribe to our channel once you’re there.
And of course, we wish you the most wonderful holiday season of all time, from our family to yours!