World Business and Executive Coaching Summit: Is it Time?
The business coaching industry is abuzz with an exciting online event planned for later this summer — a first-of-its-kind platform, where all the major thought leaders in the business and executive coaching space will gather together to discuss the state of the industry and share best practices, techniques, and strategies.
It’s called the World Business and Executive Coaching Summit…and I, for one, think it’s time for just such a thing in the industry.
Until now, there hasn’t been a place where all the major business and executive coaching gurus, licensing organizations, franchises, and experts could gather together and engage in direct dialogue with each other and the coaches they serve. And I think that’s been to our detriment. Business and executive coaching is a hot industry these days, but we’ve taken some black eyes and have had some questions raised about our overall credibility (challenges that every new industry has to confront eventually). Yet, I’m not sure we’ve been unified in handling it as effectively as we could — in part because we haven’t been together to even have these kinds of conversations!
That’s exactly the gap that the World Business and Executive Coaching Summit is aiming to fill. I think we all benefit when the reputation of the industry is elevated. And that can’t happen until we work together to share best practices, to raise the quality of coaching across the board, and to begin dialoguing with each other about what exactly it means to be a business and executive coach in the 21st Century.
So might I suggest that you mark your calendars NOW for the online summit, taking place July 28-August 18, 2011.
Now, I’ll admit upfront that I was honored to be invited to present at the Summit — which means I’ll be sharing the virtual stage with people like Brian Tracy, Marshall Goldsmith, and Michael Gerber — but even if I hadn’t been, I would still endorse this event as an important milestone for the industry and something that all of you should strongly consider participating in.
There’s some great information and freebies available for coaches who are interested in learning more, so head on over to the World Business and Executive Coaching to check it out.
In the comments below, tell me what you think. Is it time for something like this? How could the industry be best benefited by coaches and experts working together? Are there risks? I’m interested to hear what you have to say!